Qualifications & Technical Skills


+ Family Law
+ Employment Law
+ Constitutional Law
+ Negotiation & Contracts Analysis
+ Legal Analysis and Writing
+ Oral Advocacy
+ Compliance
+ Policymaking

IT  & Management
+ Project Management
+ Scrum Methodology of Project Management
+ Strategic Planning
+ Process Improvement
+ IT Workflows
+ Enterprise Resource Software Implementations
+ Business Process Analysis
+ Business Process Documentation
+ Management/Training
+ Presentations/Public Speaking
+ Copywriting/Technical Writing
+ Budget Development & Compliance
+ Event Planning
+ Oral & Written Communications

Human Resources
+ Teaching / Adult Instruction
+ Curriculum Design & Development
+ Change Management
+ Organizational Communications
+ Labor Relations
+ Statutory Compliance
+ Contract Review and Drafting

+ User Interface Design (UX, UI)
+ Graphic Design (Print, Web, Video)
+ Web Design and Maintenance

Technical Skills:

Design Software
+ Adobe Creative Suite
+ Photoshop
+ Illustrator
+ InDesign
+ Flash
+ DreamWeaver
+ RapidWeaver
+ Quark XPress
+ RWD uPerform

+ Enterprise Resource Software (SAP)
+ OS X
+ iOS
+ Chrome
+ Android
+ Windows
+ Ubuntu Linux
+ WordPress

Productivity Suites
+ Apple iWork Suite
+ Microsoft Office Suite
+ Microsoft Project
+ Google Drive Apps

+ Actionscript (Flash)

Legal Research
+ WestLaw
+ WestLaw Next
+ Lexis Nexis
+ Ravel Law
+ Bloomberg Law

Law License
State of Oregon


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